Let It Grow


Nollningen 2014

Melodi: Let It Go - Frozen Soundtrack

When you haven’t got laid in a month or two there is something you can do no matter where you are just follow this advise You’ll always have company when going from the clubs If you want all this, just try this once Just stop to shave just stop to groom Maybe trim the edges once each month Go out, have fun, be confident With all that beard! Let it grow, let it grow you can’t shave it anymore let it grow, let it grow no babyface no more i don’t care, cuz i always get laid. let my beard grow wild you always get laid when u have a beard. Now when you think of it, only guys can have beards but the girls without a beard has to use what they’ve got If you can’t grow beard but do have boobs Just try to live and let them loose no brahs, no shave, no groom for me I’m free Let them show, let them show don’t hide those tits no more Let them show, let them show they’ll always come for more now you know, what you need to get laid. no muscels, no brain, just beards and boobs all the way.

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