The Festivities Committee
30 volunteers, 31 different mandates
What is the Festivities Committee?
The festivities committee organise all (traditionally) alcohol-related events such as pubs, sittnings and clubs. We have pubs around every other week and sittnings/club every now and then. Make sure to keep up to date with our guild calendar to see when next event is happening!
Drink menu
We regularly update our menu with new beers, ciders, drinks, alcohol-free options etc. This is decided by our lovely *Beer bosses together with the Pub and Bar. If you have an requests for changes you can send an email to, or contact any relevant person on messenger.
Work with the committee
In the festivities committee we often need help to organise our fantastic events. Before event we send out a message in the facebook group "Jobba Sexmästeriet 2023". Make sure to join the group if you are interested in working with us (you can join here! Mostly we use a large group chat which you can join here.
If you work enough you will become an official "volunteer in the festivities commmittee" which will give you many perks and you will get to join the "sextack" (thanks-party for all volunteers). It's traditionally a big party in a cabin somewhere in the area over a weekend. You can see all perks here.
As Maître D’guild you are responsible for the Festivities Committee's serving and table setting.
As Pub Manager you have responsibility over the guild's pub activities.
As Bar Manager you have general responsibility over the festivities committee's serving of alcohol at sit-down dinners.
As Head Chef you are responsible for the Festivities Committee's kitchen services during their events.
Som Preferensmästare har man ansvar över Sexmästeriets köksverksamhet gällande specialkost.
Wine Warden (2 st)
As Wine Warden you are responsible for the Festivities Committee's wine sortiment.
Beer Boss (5 st)
As Beer Boss you are responsible, in collaboration with the Pub and Bar Master, for the selection and purchase of brewery products.
Guild Cook (6 st)
As Guild Cook you are responsible for cooking outside of the Festivities Committee's events, such as at guild meetings.
As Maître D’guild you are responsible for the Festivities Committee's serving and table setting.
As Pub Manager you have responsibility over the guild's pub activities.
As Bar Manager you have general responsibility over the festivities committee's serving of alcohol at sit-down dinners.
As Head Chef you are responsible for the Festivities Committee's kitchen services during their events.
Som Preferensmästare har man ansvar över Sexmästeriets köksverksamhet gällande specialkost.
Beer Boss (5 st)
As Beer Boss you are responsible, in collaboration with the Pub and Bar Master, for the selection and purchase of brewery products.
Wine Warden (2 st)
As Wine Warden you are responsible for the Festivities Committee's wine sortiment.
Guild Cook (6 st)
As Guild Cook you are responsible for cooking outside of the Festivities Committee's events, such as at guild meetings.