☕ Café Apply to Café25 Hello everyone! Hope your exam cramming is going well. In these gloomy times, maybe you need something fun to look forward to, and fear not because Café25 is still looking for people! So go ahead and apply using the links below!!!! Apply—it’ll be super fun!!! Dagsansvarig Stekare Bakis We also have a form for expressing interest in working with us in the café. If you’re interested, we’ll contact you when it’s time to get started! Intresseanmälan Daniel Ottergren 5 days ago
💻 DWWW🗳️ Nomination Committee💾 The Central Processing Unit Nominations for the Central Processing Unit 2025! CPU's nomination committee nominates the following people for the Central Processing Unit 2025! DWWW-ansvarig Isak Kallini root Tomas Kamsäter Developer Adam Månsson Albin Larsson Christofer Gärtner Dag Hemberg David Unelind Erik Heimdal Esbjörn Stenberg Felix Ohrgren Joel Lidén Julius Gustafsson Bivrén Loke Bahr Ludvig Svedberg Manfred Gustafsson Melker Widén Oliver Levay Oscar Korpi Rufus Kogg Röjder Scott Tollebäck Simon Mechler Daniel "t-shirt danne" Adu-Gyan Head of CPU 5 days ago
💸 The Corporate Relations Committee🗳️ Nomination Committee The application to the Corporate Relations committee 25 is now open!!! Are you interested in being part of designing the corporate relations 24? Applications are now open for the positions of mentor manager and business life officer! As an official within the corporate relations committee, you not only get to participate and earn a lot of cash for the section, you also get a unique chance to make contacts in the corporate world. If you feel like developing your skills in corporate communication and getting involved in one of the section's funnest committees (completely objectively), then apply!! Application closes 21/1! Apply here! Or are you interested in the position as Mentor Manager? As a mentor, you work to create a program where you connect older students with younger students who want an insight into working life, student life and the section! This position hasn't worked that well in the past so if your'e a excited improve it and make it a valuable part of the corporate relations committee then apply below! Application closes 19/1! Apply here! For questions or anything else, please contact me by email william.rilde.3671@user.dsek.se or ebbe.thor.7283@user.dsek.se William "Rilde, Sista bossen, Trivago" Rilde 5 days ago
‼️ Important Issues with Google sign in now resolved We have been having issues with the guild's Google accounts for the past week. It should now finally be resolved! You should be able to sign in as usual to your @user.dsek.se Google accounts. Apologies for the delay in resolving the issue. If you for some reason are still having issues, please write in #tech-support over on Discord! Daniel "t-shirt danne" Adu-Gyan Head of CPU 11 days ago
🔮 The Strategic Committee🗳️ Nomination Committee Nomineringar Framtidsutskottet 2025 Framtidsvalberedningen har valt att nominera följande personer till Framtidsledamöter 2025: Alexander Mamichev Anahita Chavan David Andersson David Mitterer Stråhle Klara Högberg Klara Tjernström Kristina Sedelius Ludvig Svedberg Philippa Antunes Rasmus Svensson Theo Ask Anna "Osten" Köpsén 2024-12-26
💻 DWWW🗳️ Nomination Committee💾 The Central Processing Unit Last day to apply for CPU 2025! Today is the last day to apply for CPU 2025!!! Fill in the form to apply! You can also read more below about what the position entails: Developer (role profile for the group) Head of DWWW root Don't miss the chance to create the guild's newest committee! Feel free to reach out to daniel.adu-gyan.2313@user.dsek.se or david.agardh.1677@user.dsek.se if you have any questions. Daniel "t-shirt danne" Adu-Gyan Head of DWWW 2024-12-22
💸 The Corporate Relations Committee Last change to apply for Teknikfokus! Hello, today at 23:59 is the last chance to apply as a host or coordinator at teknikfokus! Go and check it out at teknikfokus.se/students or fill in your information here: https://forms.gle/qRcep5JAh1VjSYkp9 Anton "Strömmis" Strömblad Member of the Teknikfokus Project Group 2024-12-20
🥇 The Honours Committee 🎖️Apply to the Medaljelele committee 2025!🎖️ Helloo 🤭 Here is the application for the one and only Medaljelele committee 2025, applyyyyy🥂 More information is provided in the form🤓 👉🏼 https://forms.gle/MuM1G8wreawgE4DP9 👈🏼 Merry christmas 🫶🏼🥹 Apply before 24th January Olivia "fizzypop(?)" Bjursten 2024-12-19
☕ Café Applications for Café25 Hello everyone! Applications are now open for a few more positions in Cafémästeriet! Position descriptions can be found in the application form below. Apply, apply, apply! It's going to be a lot of fun! Day Manager Stekare Bakis We also have an interest registration for working with us in the café. If you're interested, we'll contact you when it's time to get started! Interest Registration If you have any questions at all, feel free to email me at Daniel.ottergren.1427@user.dsek.se or message me on Messenger at Daniel Ottergren. Hope you want to join us! Daniel Ottergren 2024-12-19
💻 DWWW🗳️ Nomination Committee💾 The Central Processing Unit Apply to join CPU 2025! Fill in the form to apply! Central Processing Committee! The section has a new committee – the Central Processing Committee! 🎉💾 CPU is for those who love problem-solving, technology, and working together with others. The committee's task is to "maintain the section's websites, software, and hardware, and meet the members' interests regarding programming and technology". In practice, this means that we work on various technical projects to learn a lot of new things and also make life easier for all the section's members. The committee's work mainly takes place during committee evenings, where we meet to work together. As a Developer, you are responsible for our systems/projects, and as a DWWW Manager or root, you combine that with a bit of "project management." Positions If you want to apply for any of the following positions, you’re in the right place! Click on the links to view the role profiles where you can learn more about what the position entails. * Developer (role profile for the group) * Head of DWWW * root Fill in the form if you want to apply link.dsek.se/cpuval Applications close on December 22nd! Questions? Contact daniel.adu-gyan.2313@user.dsek.se or david.agardh.1677@user.dsek.se if you have any questions. Daniel "t-shirt danne" Adu-Gyan Head of DWWW 2024-12-17