‼️ ImportantNominations🐋 The Nomination Committee🗳️ Nomination Committee Utlysning av HTMVal🐋 Hejsan alla sektionsmedlemmar! 🐋🐋🐋 Årsslutet närmar sig och det betyder valmöte inför nästa mandatperiod, mer bestämt HTM-Val, vilket i år kommer att vara den 15/11! Sektionsmötet är vårt högsta beslutande organ vilket betyder att det är här alla de största ärenden tas upp och beslutas om av alla närvarande sektionsmedlemmar. HTM-Val är dock främst dedikerat till val av bland annat nästa års styrelseledamöter, övriga utskottsledare och vice utskottsledare. Alla sektionsmedlemmar är välkomna till sektionsmötet. På mötet kommer det ske val av 26 st poster, och dessa går att se i kallelsen eller i reglementet. Detta bland annat inkluderar nästa års styrelseledamöter, övriga utskottsledare och vice utskottsledare. Alla poster kommer ha mandatperioden 1/1-2024 till 31/12-2024. Posterna kommer att valberedas enligt våra styrdokument (reglementet, Policy för Val och Policy för Valberedningens arbete) och genom personintervjuer likt föregående år. Vi kommer att ha de flesta av våra intervjuer veckan efter tentap (det vill säga 30 oktober till 5 november) så om ni planerar söka en post, gör plats i schemat för det! Nomineringen kommer att vara öppen fram till 23:59 på söndag (22/10), och sker genom Google Forms-länken: https://link.dsek.se/ansokHTMVal. Nominering sker anonymt, men vem som är nominerad offentliggörs i Google Sheets-documentet “Offentlig Nomineringslista till HTMVal” i mappen: https://link.dsek.se/mappHTMVal. Det vill säga det kommer inte komma någon offentlig valstatistik för HTM-Valet. I mappen går även att se kravprofiler för posterna (men finns också på hemsidan https://www.dsek.se/documents/kravprofiler). Det går att läsa detaljerade postbeskrivningar i reglementet (https://www.dsek.se/reglemente). Vi i valberedningen planerar även att ta anonym feedback på valprocessen från alla intervjuade. Så om du blir intervjuad, var förberedd på att fylla i en anonym enkät för att förbättra kommande valprocesser. Vi i valberedningen kommer att komma i kontakt med de nominerade rullande, men i och med tentap kommer vi ha lite längre svarstid just nu. Dock om du vet att du saknar ett mail från oss mot slutet av tentap, ta gärna kontakt med mig på nedan kontaktuppgifter. Men kolla din skräppost först!🗑️ Om du har några fler frågor eller övriga funderingar (eller ser att länkarna inte fungerar som de ska🫠), går det fint att kontakta mig på messenger (Valter Bergstrand) eller mail (valberedningsordforande@dsek.se). In och sök! Vad är det värsta som kan hända? Valter Bergstrand Valberedningens Ordförande 23/24 Valter "Valle B" Bergstrand Head of the Nomination Committee 2023-10-16
⛷️ The Recreation Committee It is time to be part of this years SåS! Hello there! Are you excited about music, art, or the like? Then you should be part of making D-guild's entry into the Song Competition 2023 (SåS) a reality! SåS vill happen 9th of December. We need everyone's talents! If you've already filled it out before, we apologize for the chaos, but we need you to do it again. What is SåS? Well, it's a musical competition between all the guilds at TLTH with three parts. The first part is a choir performance. Here, we plan for the Lucia procession to sing, so if you want to join, you can be a part of the Lucia procession. In that case, write to akta@dsek.se. The second part is a table song. Are you eager to contribute to the table song? Then send a contribution to akta@dsek.se. It should include the lyrics and the original song the melody comes from. Then we'll have a table song sitting on November 29th where the contributions will compete, and the winner will become D-guild's entry. The third part is a short comedy musical, a "spex". It's relatively short, only 12 minutes, and here you can apply for all sorts of roles. We need some who perform on stage and sing and act, some who are in the band and play the music, some who handle the set, some who handle the costumes, and some who handle the makeup. More information about each part is available in the forms. But it is pretty straight forwards. Since time is getting quite tight, I'd like to see everyone who wants to participate meet sometime the week after the exams. The most important thing is not to be flawless but to make a contribution. So even if you feel like you're not the best in the guild, you should still fill out the forms. Application form for Performer Application form for Band Application form for Behind the scene Rafael "fulis" Holgersson Head of Recreation 2023-10-15
🥳 The Festivities Commitee🍽 Sittning Plus one for the Jan Eric ball Hello all happy ball enthusiasts! Due to demand, we have chosen to add the possibility to bring a +1 to Jan Eric's ball, whether you attend as a member, alumni, or are otherwise invited! These can be purchased via ORBI, will be released on Monday at 12:15, and cost 350 kr. This is a higher price than the ticket for members, as the member ticket is subsidized to have a low price. Those of you who have not already bought a ticket, make sure to do so before Monday so they don't run out! Ludvig Svedberg Head of Festivities 2023-10-13
⛷️ The Recreation Committee The sjön-sjøn race Do you want to join and show who's the biggest, best, and FASTEST in Skåne? This Saturday, the M-guild will host its annual "Sjön-sjøn Loppet". Join us and contribute laps to our guild. Every lap YOU run will be counted towards D-guild's total. The guild with the most laps wins! There's also an individual competition where you can either aim for the fastest half marathon (61 laps) or the most laps. Here's the link to the event Rafael "fulis" Holgersson Head of Recreation 2023-10-12
🤼 Guild Meetings Summons to the Election Guild meeting You are hereby summoned to the Election Guild meeting the 15th of november 17:15 in E:A. Signup for free food and nominations for the elections will be published on the website as the meeting draws closer! During the meeting we will be electing several volunteer positions. You can find the list of positions and the official summons in Swedish here. If you are looking for translations of any documents or want to have a translator during the meeting you can email me ordforande@dsek.se. If the meeting needs to be adjourned, the meeting can proceed the day after Thursday 16/11 at 17:15. Sofia "Pisse" Tatidis Guild President 2023-10-11
Halloweenutklädnad till tidningen! Hej D-sek!!! Halloween närmar sig och vi i redaktionen vill gärna se DIN bästa utklädnad i tidningen! Skicka in en bild och få chans att vara med i den omtalade och omtyckta tidningen README.md! Har du en bild på dig? Din kompis? Din mamma? Spelar ingen roll, maila in dina bilder till mig på stina.sedelius@gmail.com Massa pussar och kramar från Redaktionen! Stina "PissGirl" Sedelius 2023-10-10
⛷️ The Recreation Committee There is a risk that you'll get hAcKed if you click here Hi everyone! Me, Emil Scharin and Erik Heimdal have started a community for anyone interested in ethical hacking and competitions related to that! 😎 How cool does that sound? We often get asked if you need any prior experience to join. NO! 🤯 We will host introduction meetups, and there is already a resource page if you want to start tinkering yourself! Here are most of the areas the team is supposed to cover: Web security Cryptography Reverse engineering of programs Analysis of network data and memory dumps Steganography (finding hidden messages in media files) OSINT (using open sources, such as Google Maps, to draw conclusions) Are you interested? Join our community: https://discord.gg/uytjpKUShG and come to our meetup on Sunday the 15th at 15:00 in iDét! (link to event) image Karl "Fedde" Sellergren 2023-10-08
🌍 Teknologkåren Who has the power? The Union Representative Council is the highest decision-making body of Teknologkåren and, therefore, the guild’s. The Council meets approximately once a month and makes decisions regarding, among other things, the election of sabbatical officers, budget, and much more. As a member of the Council, you represent your own opinions and not those of your guild. The election for the Council (FMval) is here, and you can already nominate someone or candidate yourself for the Council at tlth.se/nomineramera. The nomination and candidacy period is open until November 3rd. Voting will take place between November 13th and November 30th. If you have any questions, please contact valnamnd.ordf@tlth.se. image Oliver "olivoljan" Levay Head of Communications 2023-10-09
🥳 The Festivities Commitee🍽 Sittning🥇 The Honours Committee The Jan-Eric ball On the 4th of November, we in the Festivities Committee will organize a ball in Gasque, tickets will be released this coming Tuesday. You can read more about the event here. Dress code: Formal wear (with academic orders, ie medals) After-party ticket is included in the ticket Buy tickets in ORBI Tickets will be released on Tuesday at 12 PM Don't miss out on the Wine and Punch packages also available on ORBI. Ludvig Svedberg 2023-10-07
HTM1 - val Nu när HTM1 är över har vi nu nya männsikor på poster till 2024! (#SverigeViHarEttResultat) Trivselmästare: Vera Paulsson Øverphos: [REDACTED] Valberedningsrepresentanter från första årskursen: Adam Ermanbriks Casper Högström Clara Schagerström Leon Ingman Lucas Larsson Manfred Gustafsson Philippa Antunes Vincent Lindell Lund, dag som quirky, Stina Stina "PissGirl" Sedelius 2023-10-05