☕ Café Come and buy NY style cheesecake on Thursday! Hello everyone!! Tomorrow on the 25/4, Bakisarna will be selling New York style lemon cheesecake in the café! Omg, so yummy 🤩 Perfect to enjoy in the sun! Love, Brunchmästarna and Bakisarna Josefin "lil josé" Norberg Head of Brunch 2024-04-24
🍴 Free food🛠️ The Facilities Committee Snickerboa 2.0 🛠 Hello there! 🛠 Spring and all that it entails are here, which means it's time for another Snickerboa, on May 4-5! 🤩 We offer brunch, snacks, and dinner as long as you sign up, so it's FREE FOOD for those who are registered. You can find the food sign-up and registration for your own projects if you have any good ideas in the event. Först bygge, sen hygge! 🛠 Philip "crash, whisky whisky?" Nielsen Head of Facilities 2024-04-21
☕ Café Stekarlunch This tuesday the Stekare are cooking up some delicious Chili sin carne with homebaked(!!!) bread! Come say hi <3 Ellen Engblom Head of the Café 2024-04-20
🤼 Guild Meetings Reminder free food vtm Hellooooo there!!!!!!! You haven't missed that it's VTM soon, have you!! Just wanted to remind you to fill in this form for FREE FOOD!!!! 🫨🤠🥴 (closing tomorrow 24:00) Form: here Danny Tang 2024-04-20
🤗 The Student Well-being Committee Eat lunch with the student well being committee!!!🩷 Eat lunch together with the student well being committee on Monday 22th of April. We’ll serve ice cream 🍦🍦, but bring your own lunch! We’ll meet outside iDét at 12:00. See you then🩷 Clara "schlager" Schagerström 2024-04-19
🥳 The Festivities Commitee🍻 Pub Chili con Carnborg pub! Now that valborg is quickly approaching, we in Puben24 think it would be fun to extend the festivities a bit longer. Therefore we happily invite you to our Chili con Carnborg pub! We promise delicious Chili con/sin Carne and wonderful drinks that will undoubtedly get you in the valborg spirit! We warmly invite you to iDét from 18:00 April 27th to start this wonderful time of year off the right way together with us, we hope to see you there! The event is open for all members of TLTH Date: 27/4 Time: 18:00 Location: iDét Gabriel "Gabe" Wåhlin Pub Manager 2024-04-18
⛷️ The Recreation Committee Badminton today 21.30!!! 🏸 "Hello everyone, Tonight at 9:30 PM, there will be badminton at Viktoriastadion, of course. We have rackets and balls that can be borrowed, so bring indoor shoes without black soles and clothes you can sweat in. Hope to see you there ;) Best regards, The Sports Committee Lowe Christiansen 2024-04-18
🤗 The Student Well-being Committee Inspirationsföreläsning med Henrik Wahlström Henrik Wahlström håller inspirations föreläsning om psykisk ohälsa, stress och NPF diagnoser. Tid: Tisdagen 23/4 12:15 Plats: Kårhusets aula Anmälan: Ingen anmälan sker, det är bara att dyka upp! OBS: Ingen lunch ingår Mer info om Henrik: Henrik Wahlström har i flera år arbetat i tv-branschen, i diverse olika roller. I dag är han creative director och regissör, och driver ett Instagramkonto med över 180 000 följare. För drygt 13 år sedan fick Wahlström diagnosen bipolär sjukdom. Det var till början både en lättnad och en börda, men det var framför allt omtumlande till sådan grad att det blev startskottet för nya passioner och utmaningar i hans liv. Han startade kampanjprojektet Uppochner som är en webbshop där allt överskott går till organisationen Mind som arbetar för alla människors rätt till psykiskt välbefinnande. Henrik Wahlström talar om hur vi alla blivit bättre på att tala om stress, utbrändhet och NPF-diagnoser (Neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar). Men det finns fortfarande mycket att göra mot stigmatiseringen av psykisk ohälsa. Han visar vad han själv gjort för att tackla detta problem. Henrik Wahlströms föreläsning är både personlig och innehåller tips för bättre kommunikation om psykisk ohälsa. Emma Kujala 2024-04-17
🥳 The Festivities Commitee Songbooks Don't forget to collect your songbooks! Last day to collect them is the last day of April! Viktor Jönson 2024-04-17
⛷️ The Recreation Committee You haven't missed that Cross-Country LAN is this weekend, right! This weekend it's time for Geekend again. As usual, there will be loads of gaming, board games, and other fun stuff! In addition to the usual, this time Geekend will be part of Cross-Country LAN, which means that a lot of universities around the country will be hosting their own local LAN parties simultaneously. This is the perfect opportunity to meet new people from other universities and play something together. Why not create some memories in one of the tournaments that will be held during the LAN? Visit cclan.se for more information. Geekend is from Friday the 19th of April 18:00 to Sunday 21st of April 17:00, and you are welcome to stay and go whenever you want. There's usually a very cozy atmosphere, so feel free to drop by even if you're not in the mood for gaming You can find the event HERE. And you can sign up HERE. Joel Dahl Head of Recreation 2024-04-16