Snickerboa 2.0
Saturday, May 4
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
Sunday, May 5
10:00 PM
10:00 PM
🍴 Free food🛠️ The Facilities Committee
Now it's time for the second SNICKERBOA of the year!!! 🛠
Come join us and fix cool stuff with Källarmästeriet! We have big plans and need help both building larger projects and fixing small things.
There's a food sign-up open until Tuesday, May 1st!
The form for registering your own projects closes on April 18th, so submit your ideas now! Otherwise, it's of course encouraged to show up without a plan and do something from our list. Check out our Trello to see what we have to do so far!
On Sunday, we'll of course finish with a little Thank You for those who participated!
Dress code: Clothes you're not too worried about. Hot tip: overalls and a nollnings shirt!