Announcement of elections for HTM1
Published 9/9/2024
Hey guild!
On October 7th, it's time for HTM1, which means the election of Head of Introducions Committee (Øverphøs) and Head of Student Well-being (Trivselmästare). You can now nominate people for these positions until September 16th:
Requirement profiles and descriptions are linked in the form and can also be found on the website under documents.
For those of you new (and old) to the guild, we in the nomination committee have created a little guide for our interviews here:
At the meeting, two other positions will also be elected: Nomination Committee Representative from the lowest year and Skattförman. Nomination committee representatives are not nominated beforehand, and the Skattförman is a by-election. For these positions, floor nominations will happen during the meeting.
Questions? Contact
On behalf of the nomination committee, Erik Stein, Head of the Nomination Committee
Observera att vi till denna valprocess har valt att inte ha en offentlig nomineringslista, utan kommer att presentera statistik på mötet istället