Hello N0llan
Welcome to the D-guild and to your next five years. We hope that you will enjoy your time here throughout your studies! When you arrive in Lund as a newly admitted student, you'll be bombarded with new impressions, people, places, and all sorts of strange things almost daily. To make this experience as smooth and fun as possible, you, as a n0lla, will go through an initiation period called “nollning.” Nollning is one of the most enjoyable aspects of student life and will provide you with a great introduction to your new home. It's also the perfect opportunity to get to know many new friends, both fellow new students and senior students.
The schedule will be packed with fun activities, parties, and craziness. Nollning might therefore feel a bit intense. However, this is no problem as you have complete control over how much you want to participate in! We do recommend taking part as much as possible because nollning is just so incredibly fun!
Here you’ll find lots of useful information, and if you still have any questions about nollning, your studies, or life in Lund, feel free to ask the phaddrar and peppare!
Introduction Policy
Everyone participating in the introduction must follow this policy:
- Participation in the introduction is voluntary.
- The activities must not disturb the public.
- Participants must respect the directives of event organizers and each other.
- No actions should be taken that could make someone feel exploited or uncomfortable.
Read more about your rights during the introduction as a new student
Read the Introduction ContractOnce Upon a Time...
The world is stormy, and chaos is sweeping over everyone and everything. The wind howls through every street corner. In this tumult, the legendary Staben has stepped forward to save the n0llning and ensure that Lund remains in the eye of the storm, where everything is calm and serene. With chepsar ready to protect n0llan’s head from the storm’s fury, they have emerged from the darkness. Their gazes are sharp and determined, and despite the storm’s overwhelming power, Staben is ready to tame the chaos, ensuring that n0llning becomes a journey filled with joy, friendship, and adventure. In the heart of the storm, they have stepped forward to make sure that every moment becomes a memory that n0llan will not soon forget.

Arux ToniTribus
It wasn't long ago that Arux himself experienced the devastating forces of chaos and electricity. Back then, he couldn't control it, but this time he had the Staff by his side. As the øverphøs, he leads the staff to protect the nollor, and with them by his side, it was only a matter of time before the storm would be under control and the nollning would be saved.

ImRe Daemon
In stormy times, it is ImRe who ensures that the Stab are always protected from the harsh blows of the rain. She tames the energy of lightning and uses it to create new objects worn by both n0lla and the Stab. As her name suggests, ImRe often works in the background, making sure that nothing and no one is forgotten. ImRe's ability to handle complex forces and problems makes her an important part of the Stab.

Volto RefacTor
Volto is the master behind the scenes when it comes to organizing events and ensuring that the n0llor have the necessary conditions to succeed in their missions, no matter how stormy it gets. By doing this, the calm in the eye of the storm can continue, and the nollning's activities are not hindered by turbulence and weather. Therefore, Volto is essential to ensure that the storm, which eagerly awaits, never crosses the nollning's boundaries.

Lostrego MutatI/O
As a true guardian of the night, Lostrego works best when others are asleep. When darkness falls, he takes on the chaos of the storm, calms the winds, and ensures that the n0llor return home safely. With him in the Staff, no storm clouds linger once the clock strikes midnight.

Macro Tempestas
Long ago, when the stork—carrying little Macro in its beak—flew through a heavy and dark thundercloud, the lightning struck, and from the depths of the cloud, Macro was torn from the stork's grip. That's why Macro became who he is. Macro is the protector of the digital realm; when the code seems to take on a life of its own, it is Macro who solves bugs at lightning speed. He also watches over our phaddrar, constantly connected and always ready to step in. With Macro on their side, the Staff can be sure that all technical storms quickly blow over.

Celsta VentUX
Celesta emerged from the storm, ensuring that no important information was lost in its whirlwinds. With her meticulous and attentive nature, she never lets anything escape her, even when tears fall like rain. She handles emotional storms, both her own and others', with unwavering strength. No storm, whether of rain or tears, is too great for her to master.
Los Peppos

Howdy howdy!! My name is Alexander aka Sasha aka Mami! I'm a Head Pepper this year together with Thyra. I've been around the sun 24 times and I'm from Lund!! I'm now starting my third year in InfoCom.
My tip for you is - enjoy the journey and let loose at the saloon!! No cowboy lives just for studying. Make sure to have fun too!! Hasta la vista!

Hey there! My name is Thyra and I'm a Head Pepper together with Sasha <3. I'm 22 years old, originally from the lovely old Örebro, and I'm about to start my third year in computer science.
All the adventures that n0llningen offers definitely need a soundtrack. So my tip is to create a really nice playlist that gets you pumped and ready for the day! See you around!

Hey friends! I'm Axel Magnusson, a 25-year-old Stockholm native, and soon-to-be Master of Science in Computer Engineering! My best tip to avoid falling off the horse during nollningen is to pick your battles. Even the toughest cowboys need to rest sometimes - you can't gallop without sleep!

Hi! Klara here, 24 years old, but since there are so many other good-looking Klaras in the guild, you can also call me Högen/Högis. I'm from a small island in Stockholm (Södermalm) but now I'm in my third year in InfoCom.
To stay steady in your boots, my tip is that everyone here is just as eager to meet new people - so don't be afraid to take the first step and fill your group with other cowboys!

Hey there future friends! The name's Casper, 21 years old from the lovely Stockholm, Nacka, and about to start my second year in computer science here in Lund I highly recommend finding a stable spot to set up camp when you're studying. There are a lot of wild cowboys here on campus so competition is tough. If you don't know where to sit, you can always ask me!

Hey! My name is Wilma, I'm a 20-year-old second-year computer science student and I'm (tyyyyyp) from Stockholm!!
Here in the wild west, it can be hard for a new cowboy to find their way. My best tip is to ask all the experienced students about anything: which books you don't need, which nation they like the most, or where to find the best falafel in Lund. Have fun, hugs!!

Howdy! My name is Emil, also known as Nubben, I'm 27 years old and from Borås. I'm now in my sixth year in InfoCom! For you to have an amazing nollning in the west, my top tip is to dare to put yourself out there a little extra during nollningen! That's how you find your future study cowboys, and it's something you'll have for life <3

Hey there! My name is Linn, I'm 21 years old from Täby and now I'm sliding into my second year in InfoCom!!
When you've ridden through a windy wild west, it's nice to have stocked up on pre-prepared meals. Maybe try cowboy stew?

Hey! I'm Gustaf Jensen, and I'm a peppy cowboy who sometimes studies computer science, now in year 3! Before I rode down to Lund, I roamed the streets of Sundbyberg in Stockholm!
A cowboy should know their limits! So don't ride a Voi scooter at the wolf hour; we'll never forget our fallen brothers who woke up in the hospital with an extra donation to the tooth fairy.

Hey hey! My name is Lola (Aurora is my government name but let's not worry about that). I'm a whole 21 years old, from Malmö, and I'm in my fourth year in computer science (if you survive the first year, you've already earned more credits than I have).
My best tip for becoming a stable cowboy is to try to avoid last-minute exam cramming, think about how many more saloons you can visit while everyone else is cramming for retakes!

Hello there! My name is Jacob, but feel free to call me Jacobi. I'm 23 years old and in my third year in InfoCom.
A tip for easily galloping through nollningen is to have a functioning bike. That way, you'll get to events much faster and can get home quickly for some much-needed rest.