Well-Being Council

At the guild, we have a Well-Being Council with Equal Treatment Representatives who are happy to listen to and help you. You can talk about something you've experienced, heard, or seen during the nollning that didn't feel right, either to get help in the situation or just to share your thoughts. The Equal Treatment Representatives have a duty of confidentiality and will not share the information.

Contact the Well-Being Council

LTH Counselors

If you find yourself in a situation where you need support and advice, don't hesitate to contact the counselors. It doesn't have to be study-related. They have a duty of confidentiality, and visits are free of charge.

Office: Floor 5, E-huset

Computer Science
Mail: emma.hammarlund@lth.lu.se
Tel: 046-222 72 47

Information and Communication Technology
Mail: ulla.bergman@lth.lu.se
Tel: 046-222 37 14

Student Health

Welcome to Student Health! You can turn to us if you, for example, feel stressed, down, or have anxiety about speaking in public. You can also get support regarding your alcohol habits, if you have anxiety, or anything else related to your mental well-being connected to your study situation.

Tel: 046-222 43 77


"Unga Vuxna" (i.e. Young Adults)

Unga Vuxna is a resource for you between the ages of 16-29. They offer both counseling and courses in various areas such as stress and mindfulness. Unga Vuxna is a resource from Lund Municipality and is not affiliated with the University or LTH.

Tel: 046-359 80 93


Student Priests

The Student Priests specialize in crisis management and life crises. They also have absolute confidentiality. The Student Priests welcome everyone, regardless of faith or belief system.

Mail: studentprasterna.lund@svenskakyrkan.se

Tel: 046-71 87 35

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