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Other elected officials

6 volunteers, 6 different mandates

The guild president leads, together with the vice guild president, the board's work (similar to a committee chair of the board), conducts board meetings, and represents the guild outwardly. You are also one of the two authorized signatories of the guild (together with the treasurer), thus becoming legally responsible for the guild. The guild president is likewise responsible for communication with the E-building supervisors and other D-guilds nationwide. If you want to contact me or have questions/thoughts with a specific purpose, check out the other committees and see if any of them are more appropriate to contact. If you still feel unsure where to go, or if you want to contact the guild in general, do not hesitate to send an email!

The Vice Guild President, together with the Guild President, leads the board's work and takes minutes during guild and board meetings. The vice guild president also assists the guild president in communicating with those responsible for the E-building and other D-guilds nationwide. If you want to contact me or have questions/thoughts with a specific purpose, check out the other committees and see if any of them are more appropriate to contact. If you still feel unsure where to go, or if you want to contact the guild in general, do not hesitate to send an email!