The guild president leads, together with the vice guild president, the board's work (similar to a committee chair of the board), conducts board meetings, and represents the guild outwardly. You are also one of the two authorized signatories of the guild (together with the treasurer), thus becoming legally responsible for the guild. The guild president is likewise responsible for communication with the E-building supervisors and other D-guilds nationwide. If you want to contact me or have questions/thoughts with a specific purpose, check out the other committees and see if any of them are more appropriate to contact. If you still feel unsure where to go, or if you want to contact the guild in general, do not hesitate to send an email!
Other elected officials
6 volunteers, 6 different mandates
From the guild
If you need to book all or part of iDét, you can do so via the website! Make sure you are logged in, go to The Guild → Book something.
You can borrow spaces and things from the guild when it comes to guild engagements, so you can't, for example, book the guild's premises or a soundbox for private events (this also applies to phadder group events). The requirement is that everyone in the guild or everyone who is part of a particular committee must be able to participate.
If you want to book something that is not on the website, you can contact the Cellar Master.
From the school
If you want to book any of the school's premises, you can write to Vice President and you will get help!
The guild car
The guild car can also be booked through the website: The Guild → Book something. It is important to read the rules for the guild car before making a booking.
Rules (taken from"Riktlinje för Sektionsbilens användning" + "Policy för sektionsbil"):
- The car may only be used for guild related matters and maintenance
- The car should be parked at E-house parking when you're done, if the parking is not available, it should then be parked at "Navet"
- The car may only be driven by D-guilds volunteers with a valid driver's license, in Sweden
- If there is less than a quarter of fuel left the Head of Facilities, vice or Car Managers should be told as soon as possible
- The person who booked the car is responsible for it during the time it's booked and is the only one who is allowed to drive, with the exception that the booking is done for other people, e.g. Head of Committees booking for their volunteers, then they are responsible
- If damages or an accident occurs then the Head of Facilities or Car Managers must be told, no matter the size. The costs will be covered by the guild as long as the driver wasn't deemed careless
- The guild will stand for parking costs, exception for parking tickets and other traffic tickets
The guild has a stock of drinks called Mauer in the Café storage room. For example, for meetings or guild work, you can take drinks directly from Mauer, but for budget reasons, you MUST report what you take and for what purpose you take it. For this, we have a form called the Mauer form. The form can be accessed at First, you enter your name and the purpose for which you are prescribing the drink. On the next page, you enter how many units of each drink you are taking.
Sometimes it happens that not all of the drink is used for the purpose for which it was printed, then you can write back the drink. This is done by filling out the same form and selecting the same purpose as when you printed the drink, but on the next page, you write a minus in front of the number of units you leave on the wall.
Board meetings
Almost every week there is a board meeting. At these meetings, the board decides on the election of officers, the budget, and other issues raised by the committees.
The meetings usually take place on Tuesday lunchtime 12:15-13:00 in E:1124. All guild members are welcome to come and express their opinions!
Every Thursday evening before a board meeting, an invitation is sent out with a list of what will be discussed at the meeting. It is posted on the notice board at the main entrance to iDét. The notice and meeting documents can also be found on the website under Documents → Meeting documents.
Guild meetings
Several times a year the board convenes guild meetings. This is the guild's highest decision-making body to which all guild members are invited. During these meetings, we elect the board and other elected representatives and make other important decisions. If you want to change something, you can submit a motion.
Jakob Sinclair has put together a guide for how guild meetings work: link to guide.
Keep an eye on the website or in iDét for information about these meetings. If you have any questions, please contact one of the board members or the President.
Valnämndsrepresentanten TLTH är sektionens representant i TLTHs valnämnd.
Jubileumsansvarig arrangerar, under Jubileumsgeneralens ledning, D-sektionensjubileum.
The Vice Guild President, together with the Guild President, leads the board's work and takes minutes during guild and board meetings. The vice guild president also assists the guild president in communicating with those responsible for the E-building and other D-guilds nationwide. If you want to contact me or have questions/thoughts with a specific purpose, check out the other committees and see if any of them are more appropriate to contact. If you still feel unsure where to go, or if you want to contact the guild in general, do not hesitate to send an email!
Jubileumsgeneral ansvarar för arrangerandet av D-sektionens jubileum.
The guild president leads, together with the vice guild president, the board's work (similar to a committee chair of the board), conducts board meetings, and represents the guild outwardly. You are also one of the two authorized signatories of the guild (together with the treasurer), thus becoming legally responsible for the guild. The guild president is likewise responsible for communication with the E-building supervisors and other D-guilds nationwide. If you want to contact me or have questions/thoughts with a specific purpose, check out the other committees and see if any of them are more appropriate to contact. If you still feel unsure where to go, or if you want to contact the guild in general, do not hesitate to send an email!
The Vice Guild President, together with the Guild President, leads the board's work and takes minutes during guild and board meetings. The vice guild president also assists the guild president in communicating with those responsible for the E-building and other D-guilds nationwide. If you want to contact me or have questions/thoughts with a specific purpose, check out the other committees and see if any of them are more appropriate to contact. If you still feel unsure where to go, or if you want to contact the guild in general, do not hesitate to send an email!
Valnämndsrepresentanten TLTH är sektionens representant i TLTHs valnämnd.
Jubileumsgeneral ansvarar för arrangerandet av D-sektionens jubileum.
Jubileumsansvarig arrangerar, under Jubileumsgeneralens ledning, D-sektionensjubileum.